Millennium Centre

Millennium Centre

23 June 2013

One week after Cardiff...

I finally got a picture of a grey squirrel!
I can't believe it. It's already been a week since I left Cardiff (well, with the 5 hour difference between Wales and Vermont... Wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey). I had a very subdued final night, just some laughs and goodbyes with my flatmates. They were gearing up to go out clubbing, but I opted to stay in. I'd be needing all the sleep I could get!
Here are a couple shots of my room in various stages of packing:

View out my window

Here are a couple pictures of my ensuite:

My bathroom is a pod. Everything is within arms-reach and we'll just leave it at that.
To top it off, here are some pictures of the building my flat is in:
My window is on the British Second/American Third floor

Door leading out to the walkway we share with the neighbouring flat
On the 15th, I woke up promptly at 5am. I finished packing all my stuff, made some cheese-on-toast (British term for grilled cheese sandwich) plus a cup of tea and dropped off my room key. What a sad process! I gained another rolling suitcase (since I had some new stuff to fit in back at home), so it was a struggle going down those stairs one last time. My taxi almost left without me! I took the taxi to the Cardiff Bus Station and waited to be taken away. On the advice of a friend, I took the National Express, which dropped me off right by my terminal at Heathrow. No struggling with the Tube for this girl! The bus ride was really nice. The seats were roomy, it was air-conditioned and there was even an outlet for charging my gadgets.
My parting shot of Cardiff from a moving bus. It's of Cardiff Arms Park and that Alex Cuthbert sign advertising ticket prices. I'd have loved to get some silly pictures of myself and that sign, but I guess I'll save that for my return!
Even though we had to take an alternate route due to construction (some things remain constant, no matter which side of the Atlantic you're on!), I got to Heathrow with time to spare! I hydrated up, got some lunch and poked around the high-end shops. For fun, I walked into the Hermès Store because the jewel-tones caught my eye. The silk scarves didn't even have price-tags on them. I knew that this was a troubling sign, "If you have to ask, you can't afford". I did get some little things at the duty-free shop though (My bags were super full at this point). I also messaged my relatives and friends in the UK, letting them know that I was on my way back.
Asking the relatives for the best way to watch the rugby back at home. But would they approve of a hwntw like Leigh marrying into the family? That's what I should've been asking! Haha.
As soon as I got into Heathrow proper, I was surrounded by American accents. My ears cried out in protest, "Noooo! This is terrible! Why are you here, making us listen to these noises!?" I had to reacclimatise to my own accent, even though I was exposed to it in great quantities in Cardiff (maybe American friends you meet within the first month don't count? Further study is needed. If anyone wishes to fund my research into this phenomenon, the donations box is right next to the exit).

I settled in for the (seemingly) longest plane-ride ever.
Fun Fact #36: The plane-ride back from Beijing that I took three years ago (the one where I saw two sunsets and flew over the North Pole), felt shorter than this. Maybe it was because I was sitting next to friends and not two random ladies.
Fun Fact # 37: Virgin Airways, being the quintessential British company, observed Tea Time.
Heh-heh. Mile High Tea.
I watched Django and some TV shows that were available. I also slipped in and out of wakefulness.
Some light reading for the ride back. I traveled over the Atlantic whilst reading probably the only H P Lovecraft story where the Elder Evil is defeated and ends on a slightly up-beat note.
Finally, I touched down at JFK Airport. I waited in the queue for customs and immigration, American accents and slang grating on my eardrums. I had five hours to kill between my touching down in the USA until my flight into Burlington. Happily, there was free wifi, so this wasn't as much of a problem as it initially seemed. I got some dinner and set about letting everyone know that I was back in 'Merica.

Fun Fact #38: The signs in JFK were bilingual, which I was used to. However, they were English and Spanish, not English and Welsh. Come on, JFK! Don't make me go all Anglesey-extremist in order to get my beloved Brythonic language represented on the signage!

I looked really out of place in JFK. My black pleather jacket (which is trendy in Cardiff) made me stand out amidst the sundresses and short-sleeves of New York. I felt bold and a little dangerous.

Fun Fact #39: At the next table up from me was a young-looking sister in her habit. She and I caught ourselves looking at the other over dinner and we waved.

At 10:14 pm EST, I boarded the plane from JFK to Burlington. Here are some shots of Long Island that I took from the air.
The actual view was more spectacular 
So many lights!

At long last, I landed in Burlington. I gave little half-sobs of joy as I stepped off the plane. And it was wonderful beyond words to see my parents again. That should go without saying!

It's been a busy week for me with not much time to mourn the loss of my second home. I have had some little things that need adjusting to (like getting to drive again, woohoo!). I have also been trying to find some stuff that reminds me of Cardiff. A couple days ago, I was in a larger Shaws and discovered that they had digestives in their "British and Irish" section in the International Aisle.
Dark Chocolate McVitie's! Yum yum yum.
So, expect a post from me about my adjustment, Cardiff travel advice and more!



  1. Hi Erin,
    We would have no problem having Leigh in the family, even if he is from down south. BUT it would have to be down to you to convert him to a "Gog". Didn't he and the Lions do well in Australia. He got Player of the series as well.
    Happy to be home now? you have missed the heatwave up here, very hot in mid 70s today
    Best wishes to you and all the family.
    Love cousin Brian

    1. I enjoyed watching the Lions play, thanks for showing me a way to see it! Even though I had to wake up at 5:30am to see the matches live, it was well worth it.

      I am glad to be back at home. I have been keeping myself busy, so I haven't had time to mourn for Cardiff too much. It has been crazy hot in VT as well. I think I brought the Welsh rain back with me. Oops. Not only that, but it has been oppressively humid. I'm glad that I work at a pool!

      It's always lovely to hear from you, Cousin Brian. Tell everyone in the North that I say hello.

      Love, Erin
